Learning with Susu
Learning with Susu Podcast
10 lessons en 10 años enseñando inglés. Parte 2

10 lessons en 10 años enseñando inglés. Parte 2

10 lessons in 10 years teaching English. Part 2

El audio es en español y más detallado. Abajo leerás un resumen en inglés.

The audio is in Spanish and is more detailed. Here you will read a brief summary of what I talked about.

This is part 2 where I share 5 more lessons.

You can find the first part in my blog

  1. It is ok not to know.

    I cannot know it all. I’m only human. Teachers, it is ok to let our students know that we do not have all the answers. Learners should look for a teacher to guide them and help them search for the answers, instead of providing them with so much information that they do not need to think for themselves.

  2. Building trust

    Students should feel confident around their teachers to learn the language efficiently. A teacher should also trust in their abilities to teach the language. We might not know everything about the language, but we are constantly improving. Therefore, we must be confident that we are capable and experienced.

  3. The person who does the talking is the person who does most of the learning.

    Let students do most of the talking. Let them be part of the construction of the lesson. It is not about demonstrating how much we know as teachers. It is about them and what they hope to achieve in the language. Besides, to master a foreign language, you need to communicate, so we must spend more time talking.

  4. Listen to your students.

    Listen actively to your students to understand what they want, what works best for them, and what they enjoy learning to increase their motivation.

  5. Never stop learning.

    Teachers never stop learning. We are constantly improving and developing professionally. Teachers are also learners, and that helps us empathize with our students.

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Learning with Susu
Learning with Susu Podcast
Un podcast de Inglés con Susu donde comparto mis experiencias como emprendedora, English teacher y bilingüe.
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Aránzasu Mollyk